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What we value and believe ...


Drive Every Day.

Be a driver in all aspects of your life. We know that taking control of our motorcycle is like taking control of our days. Make decisions, learn techniques and apply them to achieve positive impact leadership.


  • Drive to be an example that encourages your colleagues to improve.

  • Review and analyze all your decisions for the day.

  • With respect and kindness express your points of view.

  • Raise your hand when others don't dare to raise it.


Be One Unit.

We are stronger together. By working together we can accomplish huge purposes and create a culture in which we all support each other.


  • If we all extend our hands, it is not difficult for us to lift one.

  • Let's share the information that helps us improve.

  • Boosts the ideas of others, leads us to win friends and shares.


Try to Understand First.

As a rider, we do not make our motorcycle understand us, we take the time to understand how it works, how to achieve the best corner, how to take advantage of tire wear. Likewise, if we focus on understanding our partner first, the route we do together will have fewer stones that hinder us.


  • Try to understand the other's perspective before explaining your own.

  • Ask kindly and directly the doubts you have.

  • Treat the others how you want to be treated.


Reach the Extraordinary.

We are motorcyclist, only 20% of motorcyclists are women. You are part of the atypical women of society, we are not normal and we do not want to be. Freedom and our desires take us on routes that other people will never know. Let's never accept a "I can't."


  • Do not be afraid to fail, mistakes also teach us and give us weapons.

  • Don't give up because things don't go the way you want, focus your mind on new ways to achieve it.

  • Adapt to life, as we adapt to the weather.

  • Look for your dreams, do not wait sitting for them to come to you, you are a motorcyclist, move.


Live Passionately.

When we are behind the wheel we understand very well what it is to live passionately. We feel peace and life in the whole body. Our being lives, and lives intensely.


  • Live life every day to the fullest, don't leave things for tomorrow.

  • Love what you do, just as you love the routes.

  • Take the time to celebrate, to contemplate, to smile with you and your friends.






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